First Time Make-Upers
There comes a time in a girl's life when you find a cute boy you want to impress, you try EVERYTHING to get their attention, including padded bras, tighter pants, and make-up.
But how do you do you make-up where do you start?
- When you are first starting to use make-up: find someone that you think has really good make-up, this will you you something to base your make-up off of.
Here are some starting tips for make-up virgins:
- if you are using a foundation, make sure it matches your skin tone, if it is too dark you will look orange, if it is too light you will look flushed.
- Less is sometimes more. Everyone wants that "natural beauty". Use just enough to cover what you want covered and define what you want defined.
- DO NOT use too much eyeliner! Eyeliner can really define your eyes and make them pop, but you when you let the eyeliner wear you.
- Clear or slightly tinted lip gloss. When you first start wearing make-up you, stick with clear or slightly tinted lip gloss til you become more aware of you complexion.
- Have a finishing powder.
- Put make-up on in a well lighted room.
Applying Makeup:
The first time you decide to put on makeup, try it on the weekend this gives you the option to play your makeup til you get it just the way you like it. It also means you don't have to rush off to school if you are not happy with you makeup, you will have enough time to make as many errors as you want.
First thing you should apply to your face before adding any kind of make up is a clear primer:

After you have applied your primer, apply the foundation that you have found to match you skin. you if you have any questions as to if the foundation is the right color or tint, try a sample on the back of your hand.
If you want to add a little bit of rosey to your cheeks try adding blush to the apple of your cheek. To find the apples of your cheeks, smile while you put on your makeup. Fade the blush out, don't let it all sit in one place, start closest to the nose and fan the brush out to the hair line, still fallowing the cheek bone.
Check under the chin bone for a line that may have developed when putting on your foundation, you may also find this line by your hair line. To fix this line take a towel, or paper towel and gently rub the line til you notice it fading away.
Dust you finishing powder over your face.
Before applying anything to you eyelids, apply a primer to the eyelid. Your face primer may also double as your eye primer.

This is where that picture you got for makeup inspiration will come in handy.
Apply your eye shadow in the pattern of your choice. This make take many trial and errors, but it can also be really to experiment with your eye make up.

Go over the very edge of your lash line with an eyeliner. This will make your lashes look darker and fuller. DO NOT apply too much.
If you choose to apply eyeliner to your bottom lash, apply it to the lash line.
Than add your mascara to define you eyelashes.
Apply lip gloss to your lower lip.
Rub lips together.
If you feel as if you have too much lip gloss on, fold two pieces of toilet paper and dab lips on the paper.
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